Sherrill Park

Pepe Group At Sherrill Park

Game Results for the round played on 11/10/2024:

Player Total
 Tyler Watterson (+11.8)
 John Miller (+9.2)
 Richard Wisegarver (+6.0)
PlayerGrs ($9)Net ($8)Total
 John Miller23
 Tyler Watterson22
 Richard Wisegarver11
 Viet Tran1
 Sonny Simpson1
 Rob Frnka1
Gross Medalist
Player Score Total Scorecard Playoff
 Tyler Watterson71$35Not needed
Net Medalist
Player Score Total Scorecard Playoff
 Tyler Watterson65 (71)$55Not needed
Total Winnings
Player Total
Tyler Watterson
John Miller
Richard Wisegarver
Sonny Simpson
Viet Tran
Rob Frnka
(Hole-In-One Pot)
(Pepex Prize Fund)
Quota Changes
Player Change New Quota
Viet Tran
Tyler Watterson
John Miller
Richard Wisegarver
Sonny Simpson
Grant McFarlane
Steven Kravit
Chuck Woods
Greg Sarro
John McDaniel
Per Jansson
Rob Frnka
Rohit Kunjappa
Paul Brand
Benn Sledge
PepEx Cup Points
Pos Player Points
The season runs from April thru September
Pot Payout Check
Game Pot Paid Out
Gross Skins$65$63
Net Skins$60$56
Gross Medal$35$35
Net Medal$55$55
Total Pot$345$339